Help your littles smile big with Tooth Bear-y, the Tooth Fairy’s favorite sidekick!
Tooth Bear-y is here to sprinkle a little extra magic onto cherished childhood traditions, promote sharing & caring, soothe your little one's nerves during those unfamiliar dentist visits, and help establish healthy oral hygiene habits.
All of the magic for them, none of the stress for you
You do enough every day, so Tooth Bear-y is here to keep “clever tooth fairy ideas” off your ever-growing to-do list.
Tooth Bear-y not only provides a modern twist on a beloved tradition, but independence for your child, and peace of mind for you! Your child decides where in your home Tooth Bear-y will await the Tooth Fairy’s visit, helping everyone sleep a bit more soundly.
More than just a teddy bear
Tooth Bear-y stores teeth in its heart, creating a sustainable keepsake of memories from milestones.
The perfect companion for a visit to the real Tooth Fairy
Make those trips to the dentist not-so-scary with Tooth Bear-y!
There’s nothing more comforting than the familiarity of your favorite teddy bear. If your little one has a fear of the dentist, bringing dentist-approved Tooth Bear-y along to hold (or maybe even go first!) during a dental exam can help ease their anxiety.

A beary special gift
Grandmas, grandpas, aunties, uncles, and everyone in between: Tooth Bear-y makes the perfect gift for your favorite little!